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01. - 25. August 2009

Crank Sturgeon - Huso Solutions (adaptive pants for the man who lived alone)

In theory, Crank Sturgeon faces his worst fears of age and self-loathing in this time-based installation and performance.

One side of the room will be the image of Huso, depicted in black paint and collage. Huso is a triangle-shaped monster whom confuses his own eye with a mouth and ear; a multi-use orifice which changes according to mood (which ranges from malignant to benevolent, paranoid to peaceful). Descending from Huso's eye/mouth/ear will be a nebula of strings stretching across the room. Crank will be seated at the other side of the room, facing Huso. While muttering his greatest fears, Crank will also be stringing paper words along the web of string to Huso, creating a physical dialogue with his nemesis/benefactor/muse. The GOAL of his conversation is to solidify the discourse between man and monster through paper sculpture, construction, as well as constructing a story, which will quite literally, appear in thin air in the form of words along Huso's strings.

"Huso Solutions" ist das fotokopierte Heft von Matt Anderson aka Crank Sturgeon. Es enthält Collagen, Zeichnungen, Wörter ---> Wörter die auseinandergeschnitten sind, in neuer Weise wieder zusammengeklebt wurden; Malerei und Anleitungen zu Performances.

Das dritte Heft ist innerhalb einer Woche in Leipzig entstanden und war beides: Inspiration und Reflektion zur Installation & Performance: "Huso Solutions #3 (adaptive pants for the man who lived alone)"
